Embrace accessibility and welcome all your audience

A lot of digital content is not accessible to everybody. 

we’re all human (WAH) provides in-depth support to creatives so you can make accessible content. 

We’re here to help you reach all your audience with your message, products, services and work. This will help your business, community or project grow and thrive.

An illustration of a brown-skinned person with red hair wearing glasses and a yellow top looking down at a book they're reading. A small cat also peers at the page. A small red heart is drawn next to the pair. The atmosphere of the image is calm.

How we can help

Up to 1 in 4 of the population is disabled. You’d never deliberately turn away a quarter of your audience. So make sure you aren’t excluding disabled people.

Making your content accessible may seem like a daunting task. But it’s not as complicated as you think. We’re here to break it down for you and make it simple, easy and even fun!

WAH provides a huge bank of free tips and info. Check out our blog posts, social media and resources guide.

An illustration of a person with blue hair looking down at a laptop. They are wearing a red top and a small cat sits nearby. There is a blue and yellow decorative leaf pattern at the side. The atmosphere of the image is calm.
An illustration of 2 bookshelves filled with books and a brown-skinned woman standing by them. She is wearing a blue and red jacket, black trousers and glasses. She is reaching her hand out towards a cat. The atmosphere of the image is calm.

Get more

When you join us as a member you’ll get access to exclusive resources so you can easily make accessible content. 

When you’re getting started with accessibility you may feel like you have to get everything right on your first attempt. 

But please know that any steps you take towards accessibility will quickly benefit your audience. Just by making the effort, you’ll be doing a lot more than many of your competitors.

Supporting you ❤️

An illustration of a white skinned person with ginger hair looking down at a flower. They are wearing a blue top. There are illustrations of a yellow circle, a red triangle and a red crescent radiating from the flower. They are similar to the symbols from the we're all human logo.

Whether you’re a:

  • Content creator or influencer
  • Designer, writer, musician or artist
  • Communication assistant or Social media manager
  • Business owner or manager
  • Charity, group, activist or advocate

… or anyone else building a digital presence to promote a cause, product, service or project…

We’ve got you covered.

An illustration of a person with a black/blue beard and hair looking down at a mug of coffee and a notebook and pen. A small cat sits in front of the mug. The atmosphere of the image is calm.

Our membership levels are tailored to what you can afford. At different tiers, we have supportive materials as well as fun perks to offer.*

We use the Patreon support model, so your membership will help us develop more resources.

As we grow as an organisation, the stash of helpful resources we have will also grow. And as a member, you’ll be first in line to access all these.*

Reach your whole audience and create a better digital world

With WAH Patreon membership you can:

  • Get early access to our blog content.
  • Get our informative Ebooks, workbooks, and downloadable posters as they become available.*
  • Get cool merchandise including
    t-shirts and stickers.*

* Benefits and resources vary across our Patreon membership tiers and depend on merchandise sequences. Full details are available on our Patreon page. As our work progresses you’ll get access to more materials to help you create accessible content.

Illustrations by Sabrina Tirvengadum.
Photos by Jayne Murdoch and Mark Allred.

Businesses and organisations we’ve worked with

Cannes Lions
Not Your Monolith
Inevitable Foundation
Intent Health

Who we are

WAH was founded in 2020.

Sabrina Tirvengadum

I’m small d deaf and British Mauritian. I enjoy visual arts, films and photography.


Check out our blog for updates, news and quick tips to help you get started.